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Saturday, 23 April 2011

Dr Who

Heyy everyone,

So today was the day Dr Who graced our screens once again and WOW it seems to be getting better every series (If not slightly darker). I'm thinking with this post I was hoping to turn it into a sort of forum with YOUR views on tonights episode.

What I want to know is, What do YOU think?

Leave a comment with what you think at the bottom of this post.

NOTE: You do-not have to sign in to post comments.

R.I.P Elisabeth Sladen 1948 - 2011


Friday, 22 April 2011

Viral Friday - We LOVE Harry Potter Now!!!

Heyy everyone,

Today the PlayStation Network was STILL down meaning that I must have had loads more time to get work done, Really? No, of course not after I got slightly miffed when I found out it wasn't actually 10AM when I got up but in fact 2PM! Meaning all the shops were closed forcing me to eat left over cake. YAYYY.

So today is another great Viral Friday and well ermm lets ermmm just like errr, well if I seem a little spaced at the moment it's mainly because of this video I found which has made me LOVE Harry Potter (Or just red-heads)
Just take a look at what 1 fan decided to make with the help of some DUB-STEP Harry Potter music.
OHH MY GAWDDD Harry Potter fans are AWESOME! And as far as Fan Made videos go this one just HAS to be the BEST!


Now, to a more funny video I found this week and it's a classic Loony Tunes 'Reverse Psycology'
All I can think to say is "Well done dad." Take a look.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Playstation Network DOWN!

Heyy everyone,

Ok so I really didn't have much to talk about today apart from the fact that the PlayStation Network is STILL DOWN after 24+ hours.

The code you get when trying to sign in is (80710A06) which means that the PlayStation is UNABLE to connect to the server. SONY have since said that the Network and the Servers are currently undergoing maintenance but in the past this has only been for a few hours at the most.

What does this mean?
Basically all of these features will not be available at the moment:

Although the Internet capabilities of the PS3 are still running so you will still be able to use the Internet and YouTube and so on.

SIT TIGHT and hope that it's back up soon.


Wednesday, 20 April 2011

What Is 420 (The Story Of)

Heyy everyone,

So today started out the same as blahh blahh blahhh BUT NO!
Today I found out about this almost secret celebration (If you can call it that) of 420 and didn't know what it was until I watched a few videos on it and so on,

So how did it start? (A brief history)
Well in San Rafael High School, in 1971, a group of 5 known as the 5 Waldos who heard about a nearby coastguard station that had been abandoned by the service member there as he could not serve there anymore, now this meant that he could not tend to his plot of 'weed' that was supposedly around there.
So the 5 decided that they would start to look for this land of which had the 'weed' on it. They said that they would meet up at 4:20PM at the campus statue of Louis Pasteur and search for it. They kept on reminding each other to meet up at 4:20.
Soon this concept of 4:20 spread across an entire generation and now on April 20th every year at 4:20PM people go and basically get high.

Did they ever find what they were looking for?
No. No they did not.

So there you go, a brief look at what 420 means


Tuesday, 19 April 2011


Heyy everyone,

A few days ago I said I would be expanding a few things, 1 of these would be getting a DailyBooth account just because, well I can.
This means I'll be adding a new link to the 3 at the bottom of every post I have... YAY!
Be sure to check it out as I'm going to update that as much as I can.

What made me make an account was that fellow Phillip DeFranco (I must have mentioned him at least 10 times in my blogs by now) who started getting people to leave picture comments to what he was doing, naturally I joined in with the fun and immediately started getting comments on my photos... WOOHOO!
So I guess if you're a stalker or just want to see what I look like then check it out Hopefully my self esteem should RISE or FALL depending on what YOU say (So be nice PLEASE)
If you were wondering I'm still in the process of making those few extra pages and the will HOPEFULLY be up in the next few days along with YET ANOTHER change with this page.


Monday, 18 April 2011

Easy Ways To Save Money (The Students/My Guide)

Heyy everyone,

So today I finally got smacked in the mouth by the recession and started making the LONG list of things I needed to cut back on.

All this affects me just DAYS after Spotify announces that it will be changing its FREE service.
So firstly things I am paying for that I REALLY don't need at the moment.

LOVEFILM I got this just so I could follow Phillip DeFranco when he did his 30 day challenge. It's over now and I've just about watched every GOOD film on there so before my free trial ends I've got to stop that.
There, that's one thing and now for the rest.

 Sad to see this one go but if I have ANY chance of saving money this year then this will surely have to go. EVEN though it's only £4.99 per month I still think it would be £4.99 per month saved. NOTE even though i won't be getting this or upgrading my account I WILL NOT go to piracy and urge you NOT to go there as well, remember you can't get something for nothing (Legally).

Yep I'm sad to see this go but at £2.20 a week that's about £8.80 a Month, I'll still get it if there's a few GOOD posters in it but I'm definitely going to have to cut back on this habit. 

One of the other big things that I have found out most of my money has gone on is food, and expensive food. Now here is where my way of thinking may differ from yours as I'm a student and my school day is mostly taken up with work so I do not really have time to go out at lunch and get something from the shops. I'm not saying that i don't eat anything but instead have something very big in the morning before I go and 2 meals (Lunch and Dinner) when I get back. If I have 3 meals at home then that would save me A LOT of money. OK what I was talking about just then was that making things to eat and to perhaps BRING to school AT HOME will be a lot cheaper than just going to the shops every time I feel only slightly hungry. Usually I would spend about £5 on things I DIDN'T even need and didn't use at school so that would save me a lot of money.

Here is a GREAT way to make a tiny bit of MONEY that might help you out on a rainy day in the near future.
One of the things that I do is ONLINE surveys BUT you have to look for the ones that reward you instead of just asking for help. Something like is great few earning a few high street vouchers.

There you have it. A few things I am doing to save at the moment and maybe a few things YOU could try to save.


Sunday, 17 April 2011

Main reason for all of this

Heyy everyone,


So today I just wanted to share with you the main reason why I started up this blog.
Now that I've gotten past the 50th post I just thought it would be a good idea to start doing what I had planned to do. When I first started up this blog I really wanted to show off some of the things that I could do such as writing short stories and maybe even screenplays. The first few blogs I put up were really just trying to get an audience and believe it or not kind of failed epically. Now I just want to show some of the things I've done and in the next few posts I will HOPEFULLY be putting up some of the short stories (For anyone who cares) JOKE

Some of the other things that I would like to get into soon would be photography which is A LOT harder at the moment as I only have a 2MP camera on my Mobile Phone. Here are just a few pictures I was able to take last year,
So the main point being I really just wanted this blog to show off some of the things I could do and hopefully get better at them in time.

NOTE:Don't forget to keep on using the REACTION buttons on the end of every post, It takes A LOT less effort than a comment so be sure to tell me what you think through those little buttons.