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Friday, 10 June 2011

Viral Friday - Thumbs Up For Angry Birds!

Heyy everyone,

Yep today is the day of Viral Friday and this one's going to be short with just 2 videos 1 of which is an EPIC REMIX of a video I showed you lot last week.

First up!

Do you like Angry Birds?
Do you like Angry Birds enough to play the "Real life" version of the game?

Well just have a look at the new advert from T-Mobile promoting their smart phones.

So I said that there was going to be a video crossed over from last week and I'm guessing by now you've all seen "Thumbs up for Rock 'n' Roll" So here is the AMAZING REMIX by YouTube Music Maniacs Schmoyoho! 

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Repetative Tasks Are NOT Fun

Heyy everyone,

Today was boring, No change there, Still nothing from Lincoln College although it's only been 2 days since I had my interview I guess I just really want to get in and I'm getting pretty tired of doing the same tasks over and OVER AGAIN (Cutting out shapes on paper and sticking them on to bigger bits of paper) Trust me when I say this if you EVER have the chance to go to College and leave your Secondary school (Not go to Sixth form) Then please do because from what I've seen in the past week it's A LOT better.

I might just be saying that as the sixth form I'm at currently doesn't teach Music L3 BTEC (Which is what I wanted to do from the start.)

But at the moment this is me...
 I've been doing these for the past week and it's DRIVING ME CRAZY! All I ever wanted to do was play guitar and perform but because I wasn't quick enough applying for college this is where I am. I've got over 30 of these to do for tomorrow. HELP! In other news I've started writing music (Seriously) as we agreed as a band to go away and have a go at writing our own riffs and songs so I hope to put some of my ideas up as soon as possible.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

100th Blog (Should Have Been Yesterday)

Heyy everyone,


But anyway yes finally I hit 100 posts and YES I missed yesterday BUT I have a good explanation for it, I really do.

I spent most of my free time worrying about my college interview that ran straight through when I was supposed to post yesterday BUT it was not quite what I had expected it to be. When I got the letter confirming the interview date I broke into a cold sweat as it listed all of the important things I needed to do and bring, most of them I didn't have such as grades and achievements. What I had to do also made me worry as it stated I would have to take part in a "formal jam session" but when I arrived it was just this tiny room filled with about 10 others, a few amps and 2 teachers. we were asked a few questions about what our interests are and then we just played a song each to show what we could do.

There was no formal jam session just an hour to ourselves trying out different styles and just talking to each other (Or shouting because of the amps and drums)

After that it was off to busk in the street with a few awesome people I met whilst I was there and then off to get kicked out of McDonald's

So yeah that was the reason there was no blog yesterday.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Who Is - Black Box TV?

Heyy everyone,

If you've read this blog before then you will have probably heard me mention "Black Box TV" before but because today is Monday meaning it's another "Who Is" I thought I'd show you just what Black Box TV is and who is behind this latest YouTube collaboration channel.

A while after the not so spectacular release of "The Station" most of the original members decided to start up something that was going to be very different indeed. Being YouTube most of the big hitting channels were either a comedy or music genre but "Black Box TV" consisting of Tony E Valenzuela, Joey Anderton, Joe Nation, Phillip DeFranco and many others who it would take up way too much space to write down goes for a whole different approach to YouTube channels and Internet series as this one focuses on Horror and Suspense.

BBTV has already gone through their first series and started their second yesterday (5th June)

Not only has BBTV made incredible videos but they have also shed light on some amazing bands and artists that are set to rise in 2011, one of these is an Alternative/Electronica quartet from Denver by the name of "The Epilogues" who's music has been heavily featured on numerous BBTV episodes.
If you want to see more of this collaboration channel then click