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Saturday, 21 May 2011

May 21st Well that was a waste of time

Heyy everyone,

Well hello there everyone STILL on earth after the supposed APOCALYPSE.

This is really just a 'Hi how ya doing' blog today with a little bit of news thrown in. So today was that VERY special day where everything was supposed to end and did it??? NOPE, as per usual.

I've just spent the entire day watching Swifty do his LIVE SHOW to see if anything happens over there and, nope still nothing.

In other news I got a letter from Lincoln College telling me they'll be in touch with me for an interview AND I've been invited to try out for a band as well YAYYY.

This week has been so full of 'Hopefully' life changing things and looking at the future now things really can only get better.

HOORAY for awesome stuff in life.
REMEMBER to use the "Reaction" buttons at the bottom of this post to tell me a little of what you think and to COMMENT seeing as I've been generous and made it even easier to comment on the Blog.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Viral Friday - Dr Who & Wedding proposal

Heyy everyone,

Well well well it surely is that time again where we delve into the abyss that is the Internet in the search for the best 'viral clips' and stupid videos and today if you're a fan of Dr Who then you're going to LOVE the first video I came across this week.

Now over the years there have been a rise in weird and wacky marriage proposals but the next video I found has to be THE BEST one ever made. All I can tell you is that it involves a cinema and a LIVE action camera.
 Honestly this video had me grinning from ear to ear with just how amazing it was and the lengths that guy would go to just to show how much his partner meant to him. CUTE!
REMEMBER to use the "Reaction" buttons at the bottom of this post to tell me a little of what you think and to COMMENT seeing as I've been generous and made it even easier to comment on the Blog.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Playstation Network HACKED AGAIN!?

Heyy everyone,

What The HELL!?
Yes the PSN was hacked yet again since it was brought back to life earlier this month and guess which screen was hacked, the Network Password Reset Page or the one everyone got when they logged in the the first time again. This meant that 'Hackers' could change a PSN password if they knew your Date Of Birth and E-mail address.

Oh Sony when will you learn.

The GOOD news if your account was compromised you were sent an E-mail from Sony stating that your password was reset. At least they're trying this time. Sony says that there was no hack but instead found a URL exploit and luckily shut down services temporarily BEFORE any information was stolen.
REMEMBER to use the "Reaction" buttons at the bottom of this post to tell me a little of what you think and to COMMENT seeing as I've been generous and made it even easier to comment on the Blog.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

PS3 or XBOX360?

Heyy everyone,

So today I want to know what YOU think.

It's been the question infuriating fanboys for YEARS, What's better PS3 or XBOX?

Use the poll question next to this post to tell me what YOU think is better PS3 or Xbox 360 The poll closes at the end of the year. Use this place to rant as much as YOU want and tell me just why you think either PS3 or Xbox 360 is better.
REMEMBER to use the "Reaction" buttons at the bottom of this post to tell me a little of what you think and to COMMENT seeing as I've been generous and made it even easier to comment on the Blog.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Exciting Science Shtuff!!!

Heyy everyone,

OH MY GOD our world might end BUT we might have found a planet with NEW LIFE!
Gliese 581 is a Red Dwarf star roughly 20 light years away from us and scientists have found that one of it's 4 planets is very close to where we are in relation to our sun or Gliese 581 in this case. Now this means that it's in the 'Goldielocks zone' which is the PERFECT place for life to exist whatever that life may consist of. Even though this new planet Gliese 581d is at the colder end of the 'Goldielocks zone' a scientific study has shown that the atmosphere is has MIGHT be warm enough for the planet to sustain water.
One of the problems with this planet is just how far away it is,

20 Light years.
That might not sound like a lot but if you think that light travels at around 299 792 458 m / s (Which is pretty fast) it would take something travelling at the speed of light 20 YEARS to get to Gliese 581d.

Just to give you a view of how fast and far that is it would take something travelling at the speed of light about 1.3 seconds to go from the moon to us whereas it took Apollo 11  3 days, 3 hours, 49 minutes to get there.
The more you know,
REMEMBER to use the "Reaction" buttons at the bottom of this post to tell me a little of what you think and to COMMENT seeing as I've been generous and made it even easier to comment on the Blog.


Monday, 16 May 2011


Heyy everyone,

So, today. Only 5 more days if you believe all the hype about the 21st and if you DON'T know what's going on by now then I guess you're all doomed. Oh dear, good luck and all that.

BUT back in the real world where no-one really cares about make believe things that never happen and surprisingly SMARTEST man in the world Stephen Hawking has said that there is NO HEAVEN. In an interview with 'The Guardien' he stated:  "I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."
Well that's one way of looking at it I guess, FOR ME I don't really know what's out there after our seemingly short lives end but I always hope whatever is after this life, is something good - But if Hawking is right then I guess it won't matter seeing as we won't remember any of it. Hmmm that seems slightly dark.

So I want to hear YOUR VIEWS on what YOU think is next after life and don't be afraid to say what you TRULY think.

REMEMBER to use the "Reaction" buttons at the bottom of this post to tell me a little of what you think and to COMMENT seeing as I've been generous and made it even easier to comment on the Blog.


Sunday, 15 May 2011

Playstation Network UP FOR REAL

Heyy everyone,

Are you still pissed off at the PlayStation Network. Well so am I which was why I woke up to a SHOCKING update today as I switched on my PS3.
The SHOCKING update was this: A random Network update popped up as I attempted to log in yet again. Now I've been doing my research and I've found that the Network is actually BACK UP  (In the USA anyway) for anyone who's in Europe such as me I don't know how long exactly it will be until WE see any significant changes.

BUT THEN when I tried at 7:15PM GMT I got an exciting surprise, yet another message this one telling me to add a new password. So after I did that I logged on and took this picture to prove that it's finally up!

Now I can go back to owning noobs on CoD whenever I feel like it!

I recently changed my twitter name to "TheFreemanBlog" find it here:!/TheFreemanBlog

REMEMBER to use the "Reaction" buttons at the bottom of this post to tell me a little of what you think and to COMMENT seeing as I've been generous and made it even easier to comment on the Blog.