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Thursday, 19 May 2011

Playstation Network HACKED AGAIN!?

Heyy everyone,

What The HELL!?
Yes the PSN was hacked yet again since it was brought back to life earlier this month and guess which screen was hacked, the Network Password Reset Page or the one everyone got when they logged in the the first time again. This meant that 'Hackers' could change a PSN password if they knew your Date Of Birth and E-mail address.

Oh Sony when will you learn.

The GOOD news if your account was compromised you were sent an E-mail from Sony stating that your password was reset. At least they're trying this time. Sony says that there was no hack but instead found a URL exploit and luckily shut down services temporarily BEFORE any information was stolen.
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  1. At least everyone network didn't go down.

    Some one must be REAL mad at Sony.

    Why can't they just leave Sony be for once.

  2. Haha I know right this isn't a very good month for Sony at all I for one am feeling quite unsafe with the network now but it just shows you how easy it is for some people to take over such a massive technology giant such as Sony

    Thanks for the comment! :)

  3. The hacking of credit card details has made nearly most people feel VERY unsafe putting credit card information to buy things from Sony again. I know it would me.

    At least Sony are actually fixing it and learning from their mistakes.

    Might take a while. But they will!

  4. Haha yeah, still I'm going to be safe and not buy anything from their online store at this moment, just incase.

    Thanks for the comment! :)

  5. This is why the Sex-box is better ;)
