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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

PS3 or XBOX360?

Heyy everyone,

So today I want to know what YOU think.

It's been the question infuriating fanboys for YEARS, What's better PS3 or XBOX?

Use the poll question next to this post to tell me what YOU think is better PS3 or Xbox 360 The poll closes at the end of the year. Use this place to rant as much as YOU want and tell me just why you think either PS3 or Xbox 360 is better.
REMEMBER to use the "Reaction" buttons at the bottom of this post to tell me a little of what you think and to COMMENT seeing as I've been generous and made it even easier to comment on the Blog.


  1. That is pretty hard decision. I own an Xbox myself. So I chose x box. Both consoles have advantages and disadvantages. For example. Xbox - Pay to play online etc. PS3 - Online is free.

    But what I think will put people off PS3 the most is the recent hacking.

    It all depends on what you prefer.

    Xbox for me.

  2. that's a good vadid point you have there :) I have a PS3 but I still think there is hardly anything between them both :)

    Thankyou for the comment! :)

  3. There is hardly any difference. I watched last night on BBC3 "Secrets of the Superbrands" which Alex Riley presented. He wanted to know how much it cost Sony to make a PS3.So he took this Ps3 to this guy which took apart technology to every single bit and calculated how much it cost and it cost PS3 more to make than it is them selling it.

  4. Really? Wow. So they're making a loss every time? But they must make a lot from people buying things through the Playstation Network like game add-ons Which is finally up haha.

  5. Yeah, they must make there money some way. Go on BBCiplayer and watch it. Not just about Sony, about Facebook etc. Pretty interesting.

  6. I'll have to look that up it sound pretty good :)

  7. Haha i'm not 'shit' I'm just not a complete CoD GEEK! :)

    Thanks for the comment!
