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Monday, 6 June 2011

Who Is - Black Box TV?

Heyy everyone,

If you've read this blog before then you will have probably heard me mention "Black Box TV" before but because today is Monday meaning it's another "Who Is" I thought I'd show you just what Black Box TV is and who is behind this latest YouTube collaboration channel.

A while after the not so spectacular release of "The Station" most of the original members decided to start up something that was going to be very different indeed. Being YouTube most of the big hitting channels were either a comedy or music genre but "Black Box TV" consisting of Tony E Valenzuela, Joey Anderton, Joe Nation, Phillip DeFranco and many others who it would take up way too much space to write down goes for a whole different approach to YouTube channels and Internet series as this one focuses on Horror and Suspense.

BBTV has already gone through their first series and started their second yesterday (5th June)

Not only has BBTV made incredible videos but they have also shed light on some amazing bands and artists that are set to rise in 2011, one of these is an Alternative/Electronica quartet from Denver by the name of "The Epilogues" who's music has been heavily featured on numerous BBTV episodes.
If you want to see more of this collaboration channel then click

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