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Thursday, 7 April 2011

Discrimination and Hate (Serious)

Heyy everyone,

First up twitter was down yesterday and I also couldn't get on to YouTube to post the updates but I still did a Wednesday blog, if you want to read that click here.

Now, onto something serious again and something that's has constantly bugged me.
Now it may not seem very much to you but to some people this can be a daily hell that they have to unfortunately endure.
There are many types of discrimination; racism, sexism and attacks on religious beliefs but what I'm more interested in is social stereotypes and the hate that is so eagerly thrust upon them. Don't get me wrong I can take a joke at my expense but it's when things become hate-filled that I get annoyed. Being 17 and in secondary school I witness a lot more of this than say the average adult would witness but I've just never gotten used to it, and maybe I shouldn't.
The thing that baffles me is WHY do people seem to hate on others who dress differently or are of a different 'scene' than these 'haters' are. For some people it may be as little as a few shouted words across a street but for others they're not so lucky
At 01:10 on Saturday 11th August 2007 Sophie Lancaster and Robert Maltby were attacked by a group of males at a park in Lancashire UK, Sophie suffered severe head injuries and as a result went into a coma and eventually died. Her boyfriend, Robert who was also in a coma eventually after 2 weeks recovered.
This is what really sickens me, that these 2 people who weren't doing anyone any harm get attacked in such a brutal way all because of the way they were dressed and it's this narrow minded society that makes young people today think that it's OK to hate based on what someone wears or how they look. I just hope that people will start to just open their eyes and see that what someone wears does NOT determine whether they are a threat or not. I mean when was the last time you heard of a so called Goth, Emo or Scene Kid committing ANY crime whatsoever?
I have NOTHING against anyone no matter what they look like or what social stereotype they closest resemble and I just wish that soon this feeling of HATE will disappear from everyone and that all types of HATE and DISCRIMINATION will subside and eventually disappear from today's society.


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