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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

PSN Back Up?

Heyy everyone,

Today was one of those days where it just lifts your mood. The free time I did have today was spent buying cheap Easter eggs and general spending the day with friends just relaxing. LOVELY!

NOW I don't know about you but I've heard from quite a few sources that the Playstation Network will SOON BE BACK UP!
I sure hope so because I'm starting to go crazy not being able to own NOOBS on CoD because that's what most people use the network for, right? So yes quite a few people are saying that it will soon be up and by that I mean it's a matter of days so I guess everything's sorted with the whole 70+ million accounts being hacked and hopefully we can all breath a sigh of relief  *sigh* After finding this out I've been trying to sign in all day but still nothing has changed so I just hope everyone is right in saying that it will be up in a few days.

A file has just been found on the servers since the latest hack called “Anonymous” containing the words "We Are Legion". The file was left behind by whoever hacked the Network at the end of April.

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