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Monday, 14 March 2011

Japan Day 4

It's now into day 4 since the devastation on Friday and still we are being told that Fukushima is still on a meltdown alert. this comes after 2 explosions at reactor 1 on Saturday and reactor 3 today, they have since asked the Americans for help.

People are now starting to think back when these were being built 'Was it a good idea?' After all when you look at japan on a map you can see that it is on one of the major fault lines that make up the 'Ring of Fire'.
Officials are now saying that there is a strong possibility that the death toll WILL exceed 10,000 but that does not cover the 17,000 Britons that are currently unaccounted for.
The economy is set to get alot worse before it gets better but analysts say that it will rebound later on in the year. As well as the economy said to bounce back later on this year seven Lincolnshire firefighters are now in Japan with two American search and rescue teams, helping and assisting in rescuing survivors. It's a small start but hopefully more and more people will see what is actually happening out there and join in helping survivors in the aftermath of this tragic disaster.

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