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Saturday, 26 March 2011

The Challenge! Day 1

Ummm yeah so now i think is a good time to start up a challenge, I don't know how long I'm going to do this for but I've wanted to do this for a long time and that is... LEARN JAPANESE!
For this I'm going to use a number of different sites that come up on google and I will hopefully spend nothing on those PC packages that you see advertised on TV, the main reason being:
A: I wanted to show people just how much you can do on the Internet.
B: The last time i tried to learn a language was when i was in my first year on secondary school (about 11 years old) and I just completely failed at it and that gave me no confidence and put me off learning any other language.

I also want to start making more and more videos to do with things like progress with this challenge and just to build up my confidence that way so that's what I plan to do with this whole thing.

See you soon!


  1. is this because of friday ICT lesson lol

  2. yehh haha feel free to join in as I will be adding a few videos to THE FREEMAN BLOG shortly
