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Wednesday, 23 March 2011


RAWR OMG it's only Wednesday?!?!?!?!
Dammit I just wish the weekend would hurry up.
Quickly to the news before I burn out and today there was absolutely loads out there but the two that stuck in my mind were these.

So I'm guessing everyone has seen Transformers right?
And wouldn't it just be great if you could be a Transformer?
Well the wait is finally over for Drew Beaumier from California US who has made an incredibly good 'transforming Transformers suit, similar to that of Jean yves blondeau who made the infamous 'Roller suit'. His kits are fully working with real wheels and a whole car body that fold around him. He says, ‘I was struggling for money, working a few rubbish bar jobs and then it hit me – make a Transformer costume and go and entertain all the tourists.’ He currently earns money from posing for pictures with tourists in Hollywood and hopes to have these amazing suits on sale in the UK by next year.

Now if you remember a while back I talked about the worlds longest noodle by the Chinese, but now Italy has had a go at the 'Long food contest sort of challenge' by making a 594 metre long sausage. More than half a tonne of meat was use in making this super sized sausage and chefs managed to get 7,000 'normal' sized bangers out of it ready to sell to the crowd of spectators in order to raise money for charity. It beat the last holder of 'Longest sausage' by 202 metres.

So if you've been following this blog you'll know that I'm only about 3 or 4 weeks in and I'm really wanting to build up a COMMUNITY where you'll be able to interact with this and shape what will happen to this blog in the future, I really hope to start making regular VIDEOS when I have enough spare time, the main reason why I'm not making videos on a regular basis is that I'm currently still in full time education and the free time that I do have is reading up on news and typing up this blog so I would REALLY APPRECIATE it if you could perhaps COMMENT or even FOLLOW this blog.

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