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Friday, 25 March 2011


Hey guys OK today is a bit different because instead of two videos that are going viral this week I'm going to look at one annoying viral music video and one that's just completely sick, you'll know what I mean in a bit

So first up a video that makes Justin Beiber look good (well almost)
It's been dubbed "The Worst Song In The World" and WTF? apparently they're all about 13 yet they seem to be driving? Kids grow up way too fast these days. If I had to be honest I would agree with everyone in saying it was the worst song ever but only partly as she seems to have played the whole "YouTube Viral Game" perfectly nearly 50MILLION views in under a month. One question, HOW? That I can't answer but if you want to be amazed at how big this is then just watch the video above.

Now onto something more serious and a video that I found which physically made me feel sick.
Who the hell is this person and why is she saying things like this?
This could be one of two things:
1: It could be genuine, a real sicko who rejoyces when terrible things like this happen
2: It could be a hoax in which case to the maker of this video "Please take it down because it's just not funny, not in the slightest, you might think that your making a harmless video but really what your doing is turning everyone against you."
This video really did make me feel physically sick when I watched it for the first time and I really don't want to watch it again. When that tragidy happend in Japan I realy didn't think that people would come out and say things like this.

Well that's my rant over for now, I was going to make a video for that last sick post but I just didn't have enough time.

So if you've been following this blog you'll know that I'm only about 3 or 4 weeks in and I'm really wanting to build up a COMMUNITY where you'll be able to interact with this and shape what will happen to this blog in the future, I really hope to start making regular VIDEOS when I have enough spare time, the main reason why I'm not making videos on a regular basis is that I'm currently still in full time education and the free time that I do have is reading up on news and typing up this blog so I would REALLY APPRECIATE it if you could perhaps COMMENT or even FOLLOW this blog.

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